          It is that school teachers principal must have to 送辦, 移送收容輔"Dow" or be killed 新竹霸凌案 七涉案人送辦兩名情節較重的少女,則移送 買房子 收容輔... 3月28日星期一 台北 The crime 代償 School Teachers and/or principals committed is Chinese said "5.Ren.子.Deed". The kid 小額信貸s/students has been forced to be educated under your sucking Taiwan official government ears and eyes; thei 網路行銷r crime not their fault, must be your school workers, your school teachers, your school principals, your education too suck to 土地買賣 deserve anyone of the students to look anyone of you up. Any school must have to rely on law enforcer to enter school camp to commit the crime 裝潢 like US liar Bill Clinton and his co-liar Hillary Clinton committed to force that under eged kid to be scared, shocked, feared under gun point, under forceful govern 關鍵字排名ment abusive visible and invisible violence, that school must be closed down immediately. Those students are all the victims of the crime of "5.Ren.子.Deed" that your sucking school committ 租屋ed; therefore, they should give the freedom to choose where they like to go: to stay at home, to go to any Vatican supported Mother Teresa boarding school, or just want to have a peaceful place to be by self 室內裝潢. Your government has the duty to provide every citizen a wild natural garden house to live or die freely.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店打工  .

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