          Recorded sex comments cost Calif. lawmaker his job The Orange County Republican is now a YouTube hit after KCAL-TV 會場佈置 aired his racy comments ab 室內設計out sexual conquests that were caught by an open 會場佈置microphone in a Capitol hearing room. 辦公室出租0910/ap_on_re_us/us_california_lawmaker_sex_comments The law maker has all his right to spe 591ak whatever he likes from his heart honestly under law makers body roof or on the floor. You may dislike his voice, 訂做禮服 you may diagree his sight, you must have to respect his absolute honest right on the floor of law makers site or under the law makers body roof 室內裝潢. Anyone committed that crime of "cost Calif. lawmaker his job" because of his right "Recorded sex comments" happened on the law makers body floor, or under law 酒店工作makers body roof, that anyone must be killed immediately. Any criminal or suspect criminal out of your civil court try, must be killed immediately. You have no right to fire an 西服y lawmaker because of his own honest words recorded on the lawmakers body site.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 長灘島  .

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